• +62 21 5890 2962
  • contactus@nh.piagetacademy.org
  • Jl. Pos Pengumben No. 41, Jakarta Barat 11630, Indonesia
  • FAQ

    Admission and Registration Process

    Where can I get the registration form?

    The registration form can be downloaded from the website. Admissions Page Link.

    Can I visit the school?

    IYes, you can, but you have to make an appointment first. Click here to book a tour.

    Can we join the online classes? (Trial Class)

    Yes, you can. We invited students to come to school and join our classes during the pre-pandemic days. Since we are currently doing hybrid classes, please let us know if you want to join our online learning classes.

    When is the school open house?

    We announce the schedule of our open house on our school website. You can register to join our open house. Click here to see Our upcoming Open House.

    What is a Group of Parents' promo?

    It’s an additional 10% discount for 6 years payment of capital levy, which only valid for group of parents consist of minimum 10 parents who want to enroll at the same level (Y1 for Primary, Y7 for Secondary)

    What if my kids have no or very low Chinese proficiency?

    We have the mainstream Chinese and Foundation Chinese classes beginning in Year 4. Students who have zero to basic mandarin background will be recommended to be in the Foundation Chinese Class, where they are taught basic Mandarin lessons in reading, writing, and speaking. Our teachers also provide tutorials to support students who need additional assistance to help cope with lessons.

    Is there any entrance test at NH?

    We call it an admission exercise, not an entrance test. We have the admission exercise to know what kind of support we need to provide the students in Math, English, and Science. For the admission exercise, Mandarin is optional. For Y1 and Y2, we do not have admission exercise, but we conduct a situational-response exercise (SRE) to get to  know the incoming Y1 students better. The admission exercise is only for Y3-Y12.

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