• +62 21 5890 2962
  • contactus@nh.piagetacademy.org
  • Jl. Pos Pengumben No. 41, Jakarta Barat 11630, Indonesia
  • Education Journey


    The quest for academic excellence is of  paramount importance and will be driven through a rigorous curriculum. Qualified teachers with good pedagogical skills and stimulating programmes will be the key in achieving good academic results.

    NationalHigh Jakarta School is an international school employs the Singapore Ministry of Education’s curriculum and applies a hybrid of western and eastern pedagogy and philosophy in educating our children. Hence, NHJS utilizes a Singaporean Curriculum for Primary education and Cambridge Curriculum for Secondary education. Our school adopts an integrated and holistic approach to education and learning. The curriculum comprises of three domains:

    1. The Cognitive Domain
    The major portion of this aspect of the curriculum mirrors the Singapore version. However, the school emphasis trilingualism which is studied from the foundation years to our A Level course. English is the main medium of instruction for all subjects. The curriculum also sets aside time for students to be proficient in the Chinese Language and Bahasa Indonesia.

    2. The Affective Domain
    The affective domain cultivates the child to be an upright and moral citizens fulfilling his responsibilities towards family and community.

    3. The Physical and Aesthetic Domain
    This domain is uniquely crafted, nurturing creativity and total students development through activities such as physical education, music, dance and other aesthetic activities.

    The 12-year PIAGET Education journey scaffolds the development of the child in three areas –  mind,  life skills and heart. The various exciting academic and character building programmes support the realizations of every child’s potential to excel, attain good results and sound character.

    PIAGET Education is delivered using Singapore education systems and processes and caters to different developmental stages of a child. Different curricula have been carefully selected to help realize the potential of the child, resulting in three benchmarking examinations at various stages:

    • At the end of Year 6, Singapore International Primary School Leaving Examination – iPSLE,
    • At the end of Year 10, Cambridge IGCSE, and
    • At the end of Year 12, Cambridge International A-Level.

    Other Learning Experiences provide platforms and programmes that cater to the development needs of the child at various stages. Our 12 years education experience aims to develop PIAGETIAN characteristics in a child so that it will stay with the child for life.

    Our Other Learning Experiences include:

    • Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
    • Coming of Age Programme
    • Youth Leadership Convention
    • Learning Journeys
    • Prefectorial Board (Primary School)
    • Student Council (Secondary School and Junior College)


    1. We do everything with the best interest of the child in mind.
    2. We build enduring values.
    3. We develop a purposeful life.
    4. We believe in hard work.
    5. Learning can be fun.
    6. “Yes, and…” NOT “Yes, but…”
    7. We develop agents of change.



    As a school of the 21st Century, NHJS sees learners in a new light. We seek to understand the unique differences of the younger generation and prepare them for life in the real world. We excite them and instill curiosity which is fundamental to life-long learning. Students in NHJS will experience a holistic education that is founded on strong values that scaffold strong character and leadership. Character and Leadership Programs in our school complement our outdoor education. This includes community service education, school leadership camps, overseas immersion program in Singapore, Australia and China, and learning journeys. Students who are inclined in the visual and performing arts will have opportunities to develop these talents through our school’s co-curricular activities.

    The school believes that all children are leaders in their own way, and endeavor to prepare its charges to be the future leaders in their fields of distinction.

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